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Code of Conduct

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  1. Every student of SFS College shall be known as Desalites.
  2. Students are expected to be at their seats before the stroke of the bell for the class. Late comers will not have any right to be admitted to the class for the day. No student is allowed to leave the classroom without the permission of the teacher or until the class is dismissed.
  3. asddThe ‘Fransalian Prayer’ is to be recited at the beginning of the first hour / at the general assembly of the day. The whole class along with the teacher shall stand and recite the prayer together.dadsd
  4. Free hours are designated as ‘Library Hours’ and are to be productively spent in the library. Students in their free hours are to be found in the library, and not to be loitering around. (For Library norms please refer section on “Library” given in this hand book).
  5. Each student / class is assigned a ‘teacher-mentor’. The mentor will be in charge of monitoring the ward’s attendance, class participation, examination performance and general conduct. Every student shall meet one’s mentor occasionally and receive guidance from him/her.
  6. A professional counselor is available at the college. Besides the group counseling, the students are encouraged to seek his services for personal development and growth at one’s personal time, after seeking appointment from the counselor.
  7. Dress and appearance of students must be in good taste. We expect all students to groom their hair properly. For boys, long hair is not recommended. For every formal function the Desalites are expected to be in college uniforms and formal dress. No uniform – No attendance policy will be implemented in the college.
  8. All bonafide students of the college must carry their college identity cards with them and they will have to produce the same on demand by teacher / principal / college authority. They must bring their hand book to college every day.
  9. Every student is required to attend all lectures / tutorials / practicals except for a valid reason for which due leave should be obtained from the principal (See section of ‘Attendance”). A minimum of 75% attendance is required to be eligible to appear in university examinations.
  10. Attendance in all college tests / examinations is compulsory.
  11. Students are expected to read the Notice Board every day. Ignorance of any notification will not be accepted as an excuse for not performing a required activity.
  12. If a police case is registered against any student he/she is liable to be dismissed from the college de facto.
  13. Students shall maintain silence in class rooms and shall not loiter in the corridors or speak loudly near class room, library and office rooms.
  14. College premises must be kept clean. Disciplinary action will be taken against any student who causes damage to college property or defaces the walls or class rooms and toilets. There should not be any writing, drawing, painting etc on the desks and walls. Desks / benches / chairs must not be taken out of the class rooms. The loss or destruction of building, furniture and equipments of the college will be chargeable individually or collectively.
  15. Misbehavior or misconduct of any kind towards any teacher or an employee of the college will be viewed seriously and the college authority will take appropriate action against such students. Violence in any form is unacceptable in the college and its campuses.
  16. The college authority is permitted to act strictly and punish any misconduct or behavior of any kind at the time of meetings or during examinations / curricular or extracurricular activities.
  17. Smoking, drinking and use of drugs in any form (use of Tobacco, Tiranga etc.) and eve teasing are strictly prohibited in the college. Students involved in any of the above mentioned activities would be suitably punished even with expulsion from the college. Chewing pan or smoking cigarettes etc within the campus will invite disciplinary action or fine
  18. RAGGING IS TOTALLY BANNED IN THIS COLLEGE as per the Directives of the Supreme Court of India.
  19. Students in the college shall not form any society or organization or invite any person to address a meeting in the college without the prior permission of the Principal.
  20. Prior permission from the Principal is to be obtained for displaying or distributing any notices or postures.
  21. Students are not allowed to make any collection or to raise funds in the name of the college without the written permission of the Principal. Besides, the students shall circulate no pamphlets or papers, nor tickets for any programme to be sold within the premise.
  22. No political gatherings or activity is permitted in the college / its campuses.
  23. Apart from the programme listed in the calendar, the college does not sanction functions and programmes.
  24. The use of cell phones / mobile phones in the lecture halls, examination halls and during common functions of the college as well as in the academic area is strictly prohibited. Playing and listening music and viewing pictures on the phones are strictly forbidden in the college building. If found indulging in any of the above mentioned activity, the mobile phone will be taken away for good.
  25. Absence from any function of the college without prior (written) information is liable to invite disciplinary action or fine.
  26. The college authorities are in no way responsible for any discipline / misbehavior of students outside the college campus.
  27. Students’ absence from classes will require a written request from the parent / guardian stating the reasons for the inability to attend the classes.
  28. Any student, who continuously absents from the classes (full day / a particular subject) for 15 days without any information, will have his / her name removed from the college register
  29. The Principal reserves the right to dismiss any student whose behavior is in serious violation of the ethical ethos of the college and the society, and is harmful / dangerous to fellow students.
  30. College encourages responsible use of the internet and social media services by the staff and students. Any derogatory or irresponsible use of these media against college or any of its members shall be dealt with as per the civil cyber law of the state.