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Center Extension Services

Centre for Holistic Growth

Counselling Cell (CC)

Counselling Cell aims at taking care of the holistic growth of the students. Regular programmes are organized for teachers to equip as well as to update them with latest skills in counselling and accompanying students in their journey towards growth

Mentoring Group

It aims at offering more personalized and individual care to each student. Students are clustered into groups of twenty and a teacher is assigned as a mentor. He or she looks into the overall growth of the students. He or she meets the students on a regular basis and keeps updated about the overall growth of the students. Issues like study, attendance shortage, indiscipline, punctuality, behavioral problems are discussed and serious matters are brought to the notice of principal to offer more advanced help.

Student’s Welfare Office (SWO)

Student’s Welfare Office is entrusted with the responsibility of organizing various programs in the college with the help of student’s leaders and volunteers. It serves as the link between management and the students. It ensures quality and excellence in all the programs both academic and co-curricular activities that are organized in the college. It consists of college captain along with class leaders and secretaries of cultural, literary and sports clubs. These leaders are selected through a process as mentioned in the college manual

Discipline Committee (DC)

Discipline committee is entrusted with the noble task of providing conducive atmosphere for teaching learning process in the campus. It ensures peaceful and orderly conduct of all the activities in the campus. All the class teachers along with selected students of the SWO shall be its members.

Student’s Grievance Cell (SGC)

Students are the centre of all the activities and programs in the campus as such it is important that their views and suggestions are given utmost values. Student’s grievance cell operates under student’s welfare office with an aim to address the genuine concerns and problems faced by the student community. Students are free to air their grievance to their mentor and then the matter is taken up with the principal and immediately addressed. Student’s suggestion box is made available to the students.

Staff Council (SC)

Every staff member, by virtue of his/her appointment at SFSC, is a member of this council. They meet a minimum of twice in an academic year, one at the beginning and the other at the end. They elect a staff secretary / coordinator who often serve as their representative. From this body shall be formed a core staff council that consists of the departmental heads, co-coordinators of various cells / committees. The whole body of the Staff Council alone shall meet as often as required for discussion, evaluation and planning.

Academic Council (AC)

SFSC has an academic council which plans, organizes and executes all the academic policies and decisions. It consists of principal, Vice Principal, Manager, Superior of SFS College, controller of examination, all the head of the departments and one student representative appointed by the principal. Academic Council meets periodically to assess and evaluate the academic policies of the college and its planning and execution.

Parent Professor Association (PPA)

PPA meeting/s is an occasion for the parents / guardians to highlight their concerns and suggestions for improvement. All the parents / guardians are expected to attend such meeting, the date of which will be intimated well in advance.

Public relation office (PRO)

SFSC has a public relation office which aims at maintaining good public relation with all the institutions and public figures. It is also responsible for giving due publicity to various curricular and co-curricular activities and programs of the college. It keeps track of various events of the college and prepares report and gives due publicity through print and electronic media. It consists of one staff member, office secretary and two student representatives.

SFS Alumni Forum: ( SFSAF)

SFS Alumni Forum – Aalo is voluntary organization consisting of all the alumnus of SFS College, Aalo. It is known as SAF. Established on 13th Mary 2010, it consists of all the ‘past / former’ students of the College. The Forum meets at least once a year under the Chairmanship of the Principal or his delegate. The date shall be mentioned in the annual Calendar of the college. The Secretary and President keeps the members informed about the annual meeting and the programmes.

Centre for Skill Development

Certificates & Add-on Courses

Basic Spoken English

SFSC organizes six (6) months of certificate course on Spoken English, during first semester who are not proficient in English language. This Course is a wonderful opportunity for them to learn systematically the basics of English language, with many practical sessions in the class. The course is structured in a Professional way so that the participants slowly learn the various skills of English language i.e., listening, speaking, reading and writing


BCS and ACS are certificate courses offered by SFS College-Aalo, for the students of the college. Every student who takes admission at SFS College is eligible to apply for BCS and everyone who has not passed a certificate course/Diploma can apply for ACS. The Computer course has been divided into two semesters. Each semester has separate examination for theory and practical.


Flower making is an art and it improves dexterity of your figures. It is a fascinating handicraft which brings out the personality of the person trying to make flowers. The shape of flowers will vary each time one attempts to make a flower. Each time the paper/ cloth transforms itself into a beautiful flower of varying types and colours. Flowers are God’s great creation which soothes our moods and brings happiness.

SFS College offers a course on flower making which will make the participants an aesthetic person as they choose the vibrant colours of tissue paper/ satin ribbons/ organdy clothes and shape them into beautiful flowers. Flowers are offered to anyone for any situation happy or sad and to light up the dark corners of your house. Fresh flowers are expensive and will soon fade away but the flowers you make with paper or satin ribbon will remain forever, for you to admire at any season. You can make flowers so life like that only by touching them you can be sure that they are not real. This course is an opportunity to improve one’s creativity.


The course will be an intensive hands-on experience of creative writing. It will introduce the participants into the world of creative writing and provide a travel through the domain of fiction to familiarize him/her with famous writers, books and plots. It is intended at instilling in younger minds a passion for writing and placing them on the path of discovering their talents to be future authors. Every class will consist of a presentation by the trainer, an interactive session and a writing game (both in group and individually) that will set the momentum for participants and bring the best out of them to be productive.


SFSC organizes Advanced Communication Skills for the students after the completion of their Basic Spoken English Course. This course enables the participants to become fluent and master various skills of the English language. There are lots of practical sessions which enables them to become more confident. Students are also given the opportunity to make use of the language lab to get better training in language skills.


Corel DRAW is a feature-packed vector graphics suite which includes a large collection of fonts and clip art. A full range of editing tools allows the user to produce illustrations of just about any description via the ability to edit any shape or character with ease and precision, generate text both in paragraph or headline style, fit text to curves and objects and add special effects. This course is designed to enable new users to start using Corel DRAW’s extensive editing tools to work with text and precision drawing features quickly and easily.

Adobe Photoshop is the premiere image manipulation tool for print design, Web design, and photography. This course is designed to introduce you with the basics of the Photoshop interface and quickly gets you working on hands-on projects based on real-world design scenarios. You'll learn to choose and use the best techniques for common Photoshop jobs including selecting and isolating objects, creating image composites, masking and vignetting images, setting typography, and improving images with retouching and effects.


The certificate course, “Deutsch als Fremdsprache” (German as Foreign language), aims at introducing the students to German, the most widely spoken native language in Europe. The course offers numerous career and job options to the students. Proficiency in German opens up many opportunities for higher studies in Germany. It also gives many employment opportunities in hotels, travel & tourism and hospitality industries; job options as translators and interpreters, etc.


Music is the love of all, especially the young. It makes everyone feel more refreshed and energized. The main objective of the course is to train the students in western music and also in instruments like guitar and keyboard. College choir takes active part in the course. As a whole this course aims at giving a hands-on professional experience and training to the students.


Dance an art which depicts the rhythmic movements of the body and mind. It comes easily to young one. This course aims at encouraging and developing this creative energy in students and makes use of it for a noble cause.


SFSC organizes one month of Spoken English Course. This course is open to both SFS as well as non SFS student of Aalo town. This course is a wonderful opportunity for the students to become very proficient in English language skills. The course is structured in a professional way so that the participants can become fluent and master various skills of the English language like listening, speaking, reading and writing. There were lots of practical sessions in all these areas. Students are also given the opportunity to make use of the language lab to get better training in language skills.


“Soft Skills” have become one of most used buzz words of the 21st century. Soft skills are personal attributes that describe an individual's ability to interact with others. Soft skills, also known as people skills, complement hard skills to enhance an individual's relationships, job performance and career prospects. It's often said that hard skills will get you an interview but you need soft skills to get -- and keep -- the job. Many soft skills are tied to an individuals' personalities rather than any formal training, and are thus considered more difficult to develop than hard skills.

Soft Skills training has two parts. One part involves developing attitudes and attributes, and the other part involves fine-tuning communication skills to express attitudes, ideas and thoughts well. Soft skills will enable students with a strong conceptual and practical framework to build, develop and manage teams. They play an important role in the development of the students’ overall personality, thereby enhancing their career prospects. Training in soft skills provides strong practical orientation to the students and help them in building and improving their skills in communication, the effective use of English, business correspondence, presentations, team-building, leadership, time management, group discussions, interviews and interpersonal skills. These skills empower them to understand "Who They are" and how best they can come across as competent individuals in any given situation.

Centre for Co-curricular & Extra- curricular Activities


Games and Sports Club searches, exposes and develops talents in Games and Sports. The clubs organizes a wide range of sports activates in the college every year.


Literary and Cultural club encourages and promotes related activities such as debates, seminars, essay writing, story writing, poetry contest, workshops, singing, dancing, music etc. All English Honours students are members of it.


Every year the College celebrates College Week also known as “Francis Fiesta” during which the talents of the students are exposed in co-curricular fields. The whole college is divided into different groups and they compete with each other in almost all the popular competitions in the fields of Arts, Literature, Sports etc. it is an occasion where the students learn to work together and support each other. The high point of the weeklong celebration is the beauty pageant and selection of the ‘Mr. and Ms. SFS’ every year.


Annual day is a regular (annual/biannual) feature of SFSC. It is the day of culmination of all the curricular and co-curricular activities. Various prizes, awards etc. are present during the function.


In the month of August, the Fresher’s Day is celebrated. It is the time when the new comers to the College are welcomed, introduced into the family of SFS. It is done with lot of love and interest. The Second Year Students takes the lead in organizing the day’s programme. The culmination of the day’s entertainment saga is the selection of “Mr and Miss Fresher” and crowning them in the public function. The day is organized by keeping in mind that ‘Ragging’ is a non-bailable offence under the order of the Supreme Court of India.


At the end of the academic year a day is set apart as valedictory day where the final year students are given a fitting and emotional farewell by the entire college. It is also celebrated as commencement ceremony where outgoing students are given a course completion certificate from the college.


Another of the annual feature of SFSC is the coming together of its Alumnus at a convenient date to share their achievements, and joys. The day is proposed to be in the first week of April, close to the ‘Mopin’ celebration of the ‘Galos’ as it is the time most of the youth are around.


Culture is one of the integral parts of human identity and civilization. Celebration of different cultures adds life and joy to human life. SFSC is blessed to have students from different cultures and tribes. Ethnic day is a day set apart to celebrate diverse cultural heritage of the students who are part of SFS Family. This day is also marked by a food festival where in different tribes are allowed to prepare different delicious dishes which are part of their specific culture.

Centre for Social Action & Extension Services


The National Service Scheme is a Voluntary Organization of the College Students under the Union Ministry of Human Resource Development to inculcate social consciousness and a sense of responsibility, discipline and dignity of labour among youth. The college NSS unit is vibrant with activities and takes up a number of adult education and health education programmes each year and summer camps under the guidance of the Programme Officer.


SFSC has an Eco Club that organizes activities to create awareness and sensitivity among individuals and social groups to the environment concerns and its allied problems. It aims at building right attitudes to help individuals and social groups to acquire a set of values and feeling of concern for the environment. Activities are organised in such as way that students are motivated to work for the improvement and protection of our environment.


SFSC organizes lectures on various topics under the banner of De Sales Extension Lectures. Topics selected are of great interest to the student community and to the general public. It aims at creating awareness on various social issues that are important for the growth of the individual as well the society. Some of the topics are like Aids Awareness, Voters day, consumer day, women day etc.


A Women’s Forum Unit is active in the college. All the girl students of the college are members. They shall have periodic meeting with the Co-ordinator of the Forum. They also have an annual seminar on issues related to women and their welfare.

Centre for Research


Departmental seminar is an annual feature of each department of SFS College. It aims at inculcating an interest in research and in depth study of the subject and the particular topic under consideration. Resource persons from university as well as from other colleges are invited for the same. It is also an opportunity for the students to interact and have a sound intellectual deliberations with knowledgeable people. It opens up their curiosity and interest in academics.


Every year the college organizes National seminar and National conference to encourage the students for participating in research activities. Academicians/ scholar/experts from all over India are invited to present papers and share their views and ideas with the students.


Students are given ample opportunities to present papers as well as prepare assignments. It aims at improving their writing skills as well as presentation skills. Students are enabled to present papers and assignments following the research methodology.

Centre for Publication

The objective of higher education is not just the consumption of knowledge already created but also to create new knowledge. Knowledge production is an essential part of higher education. To give thrust to this objective SFS College, Aalo, has taken the initiative to have a centre for publication. The initial objective is to encourage research related activities by way of bringing out newsletters and journals for each department, quarterly college newsletters and annual college magazine etc.

Sl. No Department Name of the Newsletter Name of the Journal
01 English Pegasus Litscape
02 Geography Kosmos Ges-Periodos
03 Political Science Political views and News Radiant
04 Sociology Dynamics Journal of Sociology
05 History Almanac Journal of History
06 English Campus Musings
07 College ( College Week) Francis Fiesta Communiqué

Besides these, the college also publishes an Annual Poetry Journal, entitled “Campus Musing” with ISBN No: 978-93-88479-13-4 and National Seminar Proceedings with ISBN No. 978-93-88479-45-5 and National Conference Proceedings with ISBN No.978-93-88951-36-4

Centre for Skill Enhancement


SFSC staff is given a two-three days Programme at the beginning of the academic year to impart / improve their skills at teaching, relating and developing their personality. They shall attend these programmes without fail and shall keep themselves updated about the latest developments in their fields of subjects and interests.


Further the college proposes to send selected faculty members to attend various training programmes and short term courses elsewhere in the country.


Every year, the first year students are given an orientation programme in the beginning of the academic year. These are aimed at streamlining their thoughts and behavior patterns towards their new ‘status’ as College Students and Desalites.


SFSC has set up an Internal Quality Assessment Cell (IQAC) as per the norms of the UGC / the University and the directives of the Higher Education, Govt. of Arunachal Pradesh. It strives to ensure the raising of the quality of education in the college.


SFS College organizes training programme both for its faculty members and also for the teachers of various schools in Aalo town every year. It is a wonderful opportunity for the teaching fraternity of Aalo town to come together to discuss and deliberate on various relevant issues related to education.